The distance transfers, transportation, travel from Krasnodar Navorocheno, Adygea, Krasnodar region - 197 km.
The journey time according to Google maps is about 4 hours 50 minutes.
Form of transport - minibus Gazelle price, the cost of transport services - 6 000 Russia rubles.
A detailed map of the route, transfers, transportation, travel for hiking Krasnodar - Novoprokhladnoye, Adygea.
How convenient for us to reach by car from Krasnodar, Krasnodar territory in Novoprokhladnoye, Republic of Adygea:
The route of the tour Shuttle, drop, travel into the mountains: Krasnodar - Ust-Labinsk - Belorechensk - Maykop - p. Tula - Khadzhokh, (Kamennomostsky) - on the turn in Dakhovskaya with the pointer turn left in the direction of p Navorocheno, turn left, through the Ust - Sahray - Novoprokhladnoye, Republic of Adygea.
Dirt road Dakhovskaya - Navorocheno is about 18 km, the distance between Ust-Sahray and S. Novopashina approximately 14.5 km away.
Photo Krasnodar - Novoprokhladnoye - transfer, arrival, reach, access, mountains, tours, travel, Krasnodar Krai, Maikop district.
(the computer translation.)